ETP Application
Application Development
Application development is a critical step in the ETP Funding process. The application includes a number of elements. These include:
- Needs assessment
- Business case development
- Training plan
- Proposed curriculum
- Company background / history
- Record keeping system
- Subagreements
- Other data specific to your program
Needs Assessment
A formal Assessment of your company's training needs must be conducted prior to training in order to provide evidence that ETP training is customized to the requirements of your company and for your industry. A description of the needs assesment and how it was conducted is required to determine:
- The overall training needs of the company
- Individual employee's training needs
- How curricula and training delivery methods were designed and based on results of these assessments
The company must provide a curriculum for all training that will be provided in the ETP agreement. Training must be at least 24 hours but no more than 200 hours per trainee (the 200-hour cap does not apply to New Hire, HUA/Working Poor Agreements, and Welfare to Work).
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